[afnog] UCEPROTECT-Network Level 3

S. Oduor soduor at accesskenya.com
Mon Jul 23 17:09:04 UTC 2007

Hope there is someone representing Afrinic on Afnog list, I got a big

Network is blacklisted at UCEPROTECT Level 3 and this
consists of different entities  on different geographical locations
managing & administering smaller subnets on this range.

My range happens to be within this & I can barely do anything to whitelist
or know the reason why a group of entities have been blacklisted thus
deflecting genuine mails not spams. I would really appreciate efforts to
have this crime stopped, I bet someone on this range is on Afnog since
this is exclusively an African owned subnet. Funny RBL !

This rbl is exhorting money from already starving population & developing
nations Afrinic & anyone pls help me sort out this mess.

Oduor Sam.

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