[afren] AfREN 2007 presentations

Christian Benvenuti christian.benvenuti at libero.it
Sat May 5 17:08:41 UTC 2007

  I have a couple of suggestions for the links to the presentations in

The ones for 2006 are all PPT, with the exception of one that is PDF.
The ones for 2007 are all PDF.
Here are the suggestions:

- I would suggest to provide both the PDF and the PPT (for both 2006
  and 2007).
  The PDF can be viewed on most PCs, but you loose the animations.
  I would also specify the sizes of the files (present in 2007, but
  missing in 2006).

- The PDFs in http://www.afnog.org/afren/2007/ are 10 (or more) times
  bigger in size than what they should be.
  Two presentations are over 20MB: slowwwww to download and slow to
  It seems the conversions PPT->PDF were made with "Mac OS X 10.4.9
  Quartz PDFContext". I would suggest using a different tool
  (for example OpenOffice), or changing the conversion options.


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